
idea: idealism

sometimes i feel so stupid for my wide eyed beliefs but i have yet to let them go. i have been to the brink of all that i know, to the point of not being able to recognize myself and yet still see the good. i can still sing my own praises though i know how screwed up i can be. and this goes for many other people i know.

i think what truly bothers me isn't how idealistic that may sound, its the people who are unaware that kills me as well as the people who are aware and use it as a get outta jail free card for life. they choose to be victims of their flaws or use them as excuses to be lesser versions of themselves.

ideally what should be the case is to be aware of the flaws as well as the praiseworthy and combine the two into a complete self. actively change the things you don't like and own up when these things cause problems. admittance and ownership is strength.

thats being an adult. thats growth.

and since i know we are more vicious to ourselves than to anyone else, start there. learn to see the good, by starting with forgiveness, which begets acceptance and will yield a more unified whole. hows the saying go, 'a house divided...'

idealism isn't foolish, its a necessary buffer.

we can choose what we believe, and i am a full believer of seeing the good in people because it reminds me of the good within myself. that reflection gives me hope; that i am connected to an endless chain of reflected beams of good. aw, i am soo full of it sometimes.

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