
small things: sunlight

[i could work here forever, some stylistic changes obviously]

i don't know if its because im a child of the bright sunny summers of the south or if it because i'm a leo but sunlight effects more than just what shade of brown my skin is on a particular day. i realized this up at school in the schizo weather of st. louis. the dark dank days there made me crave southern light, made me fantasize of the mythic light of florence and greece. i had to suffice with light colored sweaters, scarfs, and accessories to bring the color back into my world.

they really do effect your mood, you know? colors that is.
there is actual proof!

but i digress. sunlight. the beginning of all this color, and everything is making me happy these days. if the sun comes out, oh that makes the day. without fail. people truly underestimate that i think. try it out, just sit outside or even in a light filled room, breathe deep and smile. its like being saved, if i knew what that felt like i would suppose it is similar. its something about the mix of the abstract and tactile. you feel the light but can't touch it. it just surrounds you effortlessly. like a maternal hug.

can i read too much in to something? yes, but what fun is writing down all these musings if you aren't truly decadent, indulgent, and completely full of it! i like this version of myself, she doesn't hold back.

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